Friday, June 30, 2023

Role of Parents in Sex Education

Sex education provides knowledge, ability and encouragement for making healthy choices about sex and sexuality. Children should understand that no one should touch their body without their permission. They should know that other people can touch them in some ways but not in wrong ways. They should know that except for their parents or health-care providers, no one should ask them to touch their genitals. If they know about what is right and what is wrong, they will be more able to tell their parents about sexual abuse (if they experience it). Children should learn to ask before touching someone (e.g., hugging, tickling). 

They should learn about limits (e.g., understanding when someone takes a step away, and should respect that person’s signal for space). Children should be taught about privacy around body issues (e.g., they should know when it is appropriate to be naked). Children should learn about other body parts and their functions. For example, some children of this age think that girls have one opening for both stool and urine, some believe that babies grow in the same place their food goes, and so on. 

Steady growth and development occur in the school-age years. Staying physically active during this developmental phase builds up the fundamental skills required for a healthy and active life as an adult. These skills include agility, balance, coordination, and endurance. Learning and developing these skills will also affect the child’s confidence and self-respect, and will provide them with a sense of accomplishment and independence.

Objectives and Importance of Sex Education 

1) To teach children about the reproductive structures of men and women and to provide information about birth. 

2) To educate children to understand their role and responsibility of their own gender by obtaining sex knowledge. For the development of their future relationships with friends and lovers, the children need to understand the differences and similarities between the body of male and female. 

3) Sex education helps the individuals to accept themselves and teach how to deal with their personal relationships. 

4) It also makes individuals aware of their responsibility towards others and oneself. 

Process of Sex Education 

1) Choose the Right Time, Ask Questions and Provide Answers: 

i) Sex education should be provided in suitable situations. 

ii) Children should be made to watch relevant TV programmes to make them think and ask questions about it. 

iii) Discussion of sex with children in the presence of other people should be avoided as they may feel discomfort or embarrassed.

2) Establish their Confidence and Holistic Development: 

Children should be educated to have relevant and positive thoughts of sex to obtain self-acceptance. 

3) Use Proper Materials Keep-up with Time:

i) The growth of children’s intelligence should be understood to provide answers even for the same question to fulfil their curiosity. 

ii) Before giving answers to children’s questions, their knowledge about the topic should be evaluated and then answer using the words they know. 

4) Understanding Themselves and their Children 

i) Mutual trust is very essential to establish. 

ii) Parents should take part in the children’s activities and conversations to understand their way of thinking and their values and also to develop the communication with children to teach concepts about sex. 

iii) Parents should discuss about sex issues of children and give related solutions. 

5) Be Kind and Patient:

i) Parents should listen to their children carefully, be kind and patient to them, and talk in a soft and natural way. 

ii) Instead of getting angry when the views of children about sex differ from that of parents, they should listen to them and peacefully explain their views to them. 

6) Be Honest and Objective:

 i) Parents should give honest and relevant answers to children’s questions on sex. 

ii) Parents should find out whether or not the children know the answers. If not, they should help them to search the answers in books or from other sources. 

7) Make use of Education Materials: For better discussion on sex education, many books or videotapes can be used by the parents. 

8) Broaden their Social Circle and Seek Support: 

i) For expanding the social circle of children, they should be encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities. 

ii) Parents should know the content of sex education being provided to schools for better coordination with them. 

iii) Parents should take part in programmes organised for parents based on children’s growth and sex education to obtain suitable information. 

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